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 Special Reviewer's Deal $67 ONLY!

Anyone 18+ can be a reviewer of this course. By taking this Special Deal you agree to leave your Full Review within 7 days of purchase. Enjoy your training!


You Are A Sitting Duck My Friend

You may think you're safe because you locked up your seed phrase in your home safe, wrote it in invisible ink, engraved it on a metal plate, stored it in your bank safety deposit box, keeping it in a metal wallet with a padlock, or you are always keeping it with you in your wallet or purse.

Well, all of that is just a false sense of security. I'm happy if it made you sleep better at night but now it's time to smell the coffee! The reality is, at the point that your seed phrase starts existing in the physical world, whether it's written down on a paper card or saved on a USB drive (which I do not recommend), it's in danger, constantly!

While there is nothing wrong with any of the above strategies, I regret to inform you that none of them will work for you because you are using them prematurely. Only when you use these in combination with my method will it become effective. Now let me ask you some counter questions:

   Could you get mugged with your seed phrase in your purse?
   Is it impossible for a thief to force you to open your home safe?
   Is a licence needed to buy a UV light to read your invisible writing?
   Is a licence needed to buy a bolt cutter to remove your lock from your metal plates / casing?
   Is it inconceivable that a thief might just take your safe along with him to go and open somewhere else?
   Is it entirely impossible for your banker to take a pic of your seed phrase card in your safety deposit box?

Were you being totally honest with yourself while answering these? I really hope you were because if you still find yourself trying to deny these obvious truths or try to wish it away I may not be able to help you right now. I must say that those who want to find something to disagree about usually choose the last point.

Just ask them if the bank notifies them every time a locksmith comes in to fix the 'bathroom door'. The world is not as secure as you want it to be. We have all been indoctrinated with the same program but some of us choose to get over it! Do yourself a favor and study this page until you get it! This is extremely important!

After all that I wonder what you think of Crypto Vaults and other custodial services? Those who don't understand the convenience trap might think this is a good idea. Yes it offers a bit more security than exchange accounts and hot wallets BUT they hold your Private Keys!

We got into Cold Wallets so we can hold our own keys because trust left this planet a very long time ago. Some say it's just an illusion and was never really here. All I know is that nobody will ever get to my seeds because of the way I protect it. Interested to know more?


Let Me Explain

So your seed phrase is currently written on a paper card. As soon as someone gets their hands on it they can open it in ANY compatible wallet. It does not matter what kind of wallet your seed phrase was generated by, it's all the same. Hot, Cold, Hard, Soft, it makes no difference! A seed is a seed, and your fortune can be transferred instantly!

Once this has happened there is almost no hope of bringing the thief to justice because by now it would have been sent across many exchanges in various jurisdictions and filtered through multiple accounts. Do you have any idea what the average cost is to subpoena just 1 exchange? I should know, Believe me!

The only reason we invested in crypto is to give ourselves a chance at gaining wealth. Am I right? Of course I am! You owe it to yourself to never forget your WHY! You are here to gain wealth. What is the first rule of money? NEVER LOOSE THE MONEY. Right?

Which now translates into NEVER LOOSE THE CRYPTO! Which leads us to another problem. Stop equating money safety to crypto safety. It's a hell of a lot easier to protect money, so stop transferring your money attitude to crypto because this is a different beast. NOW make a decent effort to protect it!

I must admit that sometimes I wonder if people who don't protect their seed phrases properly in the real world would have been better off by just leaving their crypto on the exchanges? This is not really a question and it doesn't really require an answer.

It's a wake up call to let you know that you made the right decision to hold your own keys and took all that trouble to move your crypto off the exchanges, but for what? To become a sitting duck? Don't just stop halfway, finish the job!


The Root Of The Problem

What is going on and how did this happen? First of all this is nobody's fault but it is YOUR responsibility! Let's take a step back. On the one hand you have wallet providers who are mainly marketing focused. That means they saw a gap in the crypto security industry and decided to fill it. However, this is not an easy product to sell because it has some complexity with it. So they try to make it more convenient for the user and many times even go the extra mile to supply a printed card to write your seed phrase on.

On the other hand we have the users like you and me. We are more focused on convenience and even driven by it. As soon as we see that seed phrase written down it signals to us subconsciously that the mission is now complete. I am here to tell you that this is a false signal and you should override it, because protecting your crypto keys is NOT in the act of 'writing down' your seed phrase. It is in only producing your seed phrase at the very moment you need it!

I know there is another layer of security that can be applied because I invented / discovered it and I'm using it right now! I've shared it with my friends and they love it! They can't believe how simple and effective it is! Most of all, they can't believe that nobody told them about this. Obviously they feel that the wallet companies just drew the line at the point they feel that they've done enough, and that wouldn't be wrong, but I always remind them that nobody stopped them to go further by themselves!

Unfortunately it is true that if ever things go wrong wallet providers already have a built-in excuse. They will just say you must've exposed your seed phrase somehow, and then what? A whistle blower might come out some day and tell us all what really happened but don't count on it. This is a risk YOU carry if you don't act now. Don't say nobody warned you!

Besides, I think the wallet providers have done well enough and they've brought us far enough! It is now up to us to do the rest and take care of ourselves, and I'm sure you agree. Quit sleeping. Wake up now and get with the program! 


Well Done For Getting Your Digital Assets Off Of The Exchanges! Now Get This Training For $199 ONLY! Reviewer's Special Deal Above ⇑

Your next step is to learn how to "vanish" and "unvanish" ANY seed phrase that is in your possession, which is exactly what this Video Course teaches. On completion you can burn it and throw the ashes away, because you will be able to recreate it whenever you want! Note: We practice with made-up seed phrases only!

Who This Is For

When someone makes the effort to move their crypto from the exchanges to a wallet so that they can hold their own keys it usually indicates that they have a good size bag and / or it means a lot for their future. By this rational I'm inclined to say that every seed phrase holder should get this training.

Of course not everyone is going to feel that they need to go the extra mile and to that I say that anyone who holds $500 in crypto should strongly consider it. However, if you hold less and the crypto market pops big then you will be missing out. If you just take a few hours to learn this your seed phrase will be more secure than ever before!

Remember, it does not matter which type of wallet created your seed phrase. Hard or soft, hot or cold, it's all the same here! It also makes no difference whether your seed is made up of 12 - 18 - 24 or whichever amount of words. This training covers it all!

Note: If your wallet does not require you to write down a seed phrase (not a fan) then this training is not for you. Everyone else should go ahead and get this training right now.


How This Works

Once you've realised that you need this skill you need to get the 90 Days Access right away! You only need 1 day to complete this course but you get 90 so that you can make it fit in with your life. After your time expires your account will be disabled in order to keep the site light and keep security high.

Before you buy you must whitelist my email address in your email account so that you will receive my response without delay. Once you've done this you can go ahead and complete your purchase. Once completed you will receive a private link via email where you can sign-up for your account.

Everyone gets a unique link and this is why you must not miss this email. Your link should be with you shortly and if not be sure to check your spam folder first. If your link has not arrived within 2hrs you may email me with your mobile number and full name so that I can text it to you manually. Whitelisting first saves a lot of time! Follow these steps:

1 Whitelist my email address
2 Complete your purchase
3 Find your unique link in your email
4 Create your account with your unique link
5 Sign in to your account and start your training

Once you've logged in you will be able to do everything from your dashboard. This course is fully comprehensive but for your convenience you can also book a call with me (fee applies) if you feel that you really need it. You can also leave a review, get your homework, etc. Everything is ready for you:

1 Lesson One: Introduction 45m
2 Lesson Two: Foundation 45m
3 Lesson Three: Advanced 45m
4 Capstone: Assignment 20m

Note: If for any reason you are not able to do whitelisting in your email account then just go ahead and complete your purchase. Just email me your mobile number and name then we continue as above.


Defeat The Silver Platter

Just leaving your seed phrase as it is, is like serving it to a criminal on a silver platter! Under no circumstances should this be done because it's just dumb. Anyone who sees it can just open your wallet and take all your wealth just like that!

Not vanishing your seed phrase can also cause unnecessary suspicion between family and friends, because if you had just vanished it there would've been no way for them to see it! So whose fault would this really be if you are the one who introduced this 'foreign' security concern into their environment?

Your seed phrase will not be seen at first glance if you use my method. Whoever gets their eyes on it will not just be able to open your wallet simply because they stole your seed! This is because what they would have is NOT really your seed! However, as soon as you notice something out of the ordinary, it's best to shift your assets than leave it to chance alone.

I remember once watching a video on home security presented by an ex-burglar. I will never forget the part where he talks about how humans organise things for their convenience without realising that they are making it convenient for the thief too. After that I've never again put my money, keys, watch, ring, ID and passport in my top drawer!

Remember, our only job is to make it as hard as possible for intruders to gain entry! Besides everything else that we will do, the very first step is to destroy the silver platter!


Well Done For Getting Your Digital Assets Off Of The Exchanges! Now Get This Training For $199 ONLY! Reviewer's Special Deal Above ⇑

Your next step is to learn how to "vanish" and "unvanish" ANY seed phrase that is in your possession, which is exactly what this Video Course teaches. On completion you can burn it and throw the ashes away, because you will be able to recreate it whenever you want! Note: We practice with made-up seed phrases only!


My wallet, my fears!

Even though I had huge fear of being the victim of pick pocketing or even robbed I still felt it was better to have my seed phrases in my moon bag which was always with me during my travels as I thought it to be the best and safest place to keep because I carried it with me to protect. 

I also took charge of my two girlfriend's cryptos which were in my wallet because they weren't able to buy wallets and weren't so advanced in crypto as I was. Going outside always made me very anxious as I was constantly aware of the fact that I was in charge of our financial futures and felt vulnerable knowing that it was at risk!

I even was so ignorant as to send my seed phrases via emails to myself just in case I lost my moon bag as a backup recovery plan. I only realized doing your lessons (without being asked my seed phrases but using your fake ones instead to practice with and getting used to your methods and seeing how it all fits together and those loads of extra security measures you shared with me) how much I needed your knowledge to secure my seed phrases and how totally unaware I was.

I can still remember the realization of how much you have set me free and knowing that I can step outside without fear immediately made me offer to buy you a bottle of Jameson's Whiskey through the tip button🥃 😂. This was money well spent and I'm happy to share my experience with others and encourage anyone to take your lessons.

Thanks so so much 🙏 ❤️

Tim Morgan

- More Reviews Coming Soon -

Review this course for $67 ONLY! Full 90-Day Membership! Limited Availability! Click the white payment button at the top of the page to get this Special Deal!


Well Done For Getting Your Digital Assets Off Of The Exchanges! Now Get This Training For $199 ONLY! Reviewer's Special Deal Above ⇑

Your next step is to learn how to "vanish" and "unvanish" ANY seed phrase that is in your possession, which is exactly what this Video Course teaches. On completion you can burn it and throw the ashes away, because you will be able to recreate it whenever you want! Note: We practice with made-up seed phrases only!

Story Time: The Airport

This is the most insane crypto experience I've ever had. I couldn't believe what was happening right in front of my eyes. I travel a lot and I've never seen anything like this, but I was prepared and managed to save the day!

Many people travel with their wallets and seed phrases without caring too much and this is a big mistake. So after checking in at the airport it was time for the baggage scan and this is where it happened. I noticed my bag was not coming through and the scanner belt kept moving forward and backward. 

The supervisor asked the operator if he needed help, which he declined. As soon as the supervisor left the operator pulled the bag right behind mine. I was relieved that it wasn't my bag being held but something told me to hang around for a bit to see what was happening. 

Turns out the couple behind me had a bunch of hardware wallets in a moon bag that was in one of their backpacks. He called them out and asked if these are electronic devices. At this point I was convinced that he knows exactly what it is while just playing dumb so he can dig his way to the seed phrases.

Omg! Not even 2 minutes later he had the seeds in his hand. At this point my heart started pounding hard because this couple had no idea that they were about to get robbed! I wanted to help but I had wallets on me too and didn't want to pull trouble towards myself.

While holding the wallets in his left hand and the seeds in his right hand he told the couple that he needed to run this by his supervisor to which they just blindly agreed. He started walking away with their property. I couldn't believe my eyes!

When he pulled their bags off the scanner belt I noticed he was right handed. I knew he wanted to go and take a photo of thier seed phrase and then just come back and tell them his supervisor said that everything is in order and wished them a pleasant flight.

If I allowed this to happen they would be emptied out before landing so what was I supposed to do. They didn't suspect anything. To a certain degree I can understand that because they feel that they are in an airport and should be safe, right?

When the scanner operater was like three meters away I approached the couple and told them that I saw everything. I asked them if they knew that a seed phrase can be opened from any wallet. They looked at me surprised and then of course the guy wanted to start an argument with me but I paid him no mind.

I immediately turned to the girl and asked her if she can hear what I'm saying. She nodded, yes. I told her to catch up with that guy and tell him that her boyfriend is staying with their bags and that she would like to stay with their property that was now in his posession.

Of course he could not refuse. All he could then do was take her on a wild goose chase, looking for the supervisor everywhere where he knew he would not be. After pretending that he was not able to find him, he returned their property but made sure first to ask a few more stupid questions to make himself look legit.

The crime was stopped. Lucky for them I was there. If it was just one person it would have been a lot more difficult or near impossible as asking a stranger on the airport to watch your bags is not allowed but also unwise. That scanner dude was so pissed off! I was happy to make his day a pleasant one lol.

After all was said and done the girl wanted to tell me the details. I just waived her away when she approached. It was better this way...


A Bit About Me

Hi, I'm Paul and I am here to help. I am a School Teacher & Math Tutor with a background in Electrical Engineering. I have a strong interest in Cryptography and Cyber Security. Most of all, I am a Crypto Investor who has learned that nobody comes when we cry for help. The authorities are not on our side!

I've been in crypto for a while and experienced it's ups and downs. I've learned my lessons the hard way and I'm now offering my help so you won't have to. My passion for crypto safety didn't come from nowhere. I've stepped in the poop more than once and now I've arrived here, at this point in space and time.

In 2021 my Coinbase account was hacked through a sim swap. The hacker connected his own Coinbase Wallet to my account and then sold off a huge chunk of my crypto. Lucky for me the money came to my bank account and not his. Lucky for me this was obviously an amateur, who I later found was in my circle of "friends".

In 2022 I bought into a yield farming scam that ended up rugging aroung $200m from it's "investors". I couldn't let it go because I just got in, then it happened! I joined a group that hired an investigator and a year later they wrote us an email to let us know that they are dropping the case because it would be too expensive to subpeona the exchanges.

My 6.2ETH gone with the scammers plus the $1000 I paid the investigator, who obviously just ate our money. He is probably laughing his a$$ off! He obviously knew if you fell once, you'll fall for it twice! What he didn't know is what this would make me evolve into.

Another important catalyst of my evolution was inspired by my favorite Crypto Youtuber from the UK. In one of his videos he shared how one of his subscribers was able to find his information and pin point his location. With me being part of the 2020 Ledger breach I found this pretty scary, but now I've created the ultimate defence to this threat!

I then fixed all the mistakes I've made in the past and made Extremely Important Discoveries about digital security along the way. I am now ready to share it with the world. It will benefit whoever is willing to listen and learn. I cracked the code to user-side crypto wallet safety! Our entire community must learn it.


Well Done For Getting Your Digital Assets Off Of The Exchanges! Now Get This Training For $199 ONLY! Reviewer's Special Deal Above ⇑

Your next step is to learn how to "vanish" and "unvanish" ANY seed phrase that is in your possession, which is exactly what this Video Course teaches. On completion you can burn it and throw the ashes away, because you will be able to recreate it whenever you want! Note: We practice with made-up seed phrases only!


This course is worth $999 or more. It's on a Limited Promotional Sale right now (non-refundable) and will increase to $299 soon. Right now you get 90 Days Access for ONLY $199. I made the price so low because I want to help our community get to safety as easily and as quickly as possible.

ATTENTION ALL REVIEWERS: Review this course for $67 ONLY! Full 90-Day Membership! Limited Availability! Click the white payment button at the top of the page to get this Special Deal!

If you feel that I gave you a great service or that the price was too low for the level of protection I'm teaching, you can always leave me a tip.


I am confident that at the end of your training you will be delighted with the result and you will appreciate how simple and clever the solution is. Those who completed this training before you felt that finding this website was a miracle and you may feel the same too!

If you are happy with this service you may choose to give me a tip, but if you are not satisfied for any reason (which is impossible), just don't tip me.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes sure! I ask that everyone reads all the available information on this site before doing so. I will get back to you as soon as I can. Email me on

If you missed your automatic sign-up email after your payment you should first check your spam folder. If you still can't find it then email me with your full mobile number including your country code and I will text your unique sign-up link to you. Also identify yourself with your full name so that I can match it to your payment. Allow 48hrs for this to be completed.

Once again, take the time to whitelist my email address in your email account. This will help you to receive my emails without any hinderance. It only takes a few minutes!

PS! My back up email is if it's ever needed.

Yes absolutely! There is a tiny bit of reading to do too. You can also book a voice call with me if you really need to @ $99 / 30min - however this is rarely needed.

At the end your course you must download your homework workbook. It contains 12 exercises that you do over the next year. This will help move your new skill into long term memory. Your brain is always your best storage device.

When most people guess they think it's like tearing a treasure map in half. Well that does not work because all that is needed is to put the two halves together and the treasure can be easily found. I assure you that my method is a lot more sophisticated than that, but still simple and brilliant.

This is for security purposes. Nobody besides you must ever know your real seed phrase. Not even your most trusted relative or friend. Be smart! Be safe!

Also, it will make your learning easier because practising with your own seed phrase can cause a lot of stress, and that will only slow you down.

Also, it provides a lot of variety. This allows us to practice with many made-up seed phrases which will make mastering the skill a lot easier.

Note: We will practice on the above seed phrase. It has been generated from the BIP39 list. I refer to it as fake because it doesn't actually open a wallet.

During the Ledger breach of 2020 my personal and contact details were leaked on the darkweb and internet. I received a lot of unwanted communication of all sorts (solicitations and threats), to say the least!

I need you to get serious about your privacy too. It's amazing how much information people broadcast about themselves. Remember that ultimately we should be enjoying our wealth and not be living in fear of it.

The first step in doing this is by staying off the radar of the wrong fan base!

When you make your booking you will pay through PayPal. Even if you don't have an account with them you can still 'checkout as a guest'. Just look for the link on their payment page if you don't see the 'Debit or Credit Card' button / section.

None of your payment information is held on this website. The entire payment processing takes place on PayPal's secure site that's built for taking payments all day long with no problems at all.

PayPal monitors and secures all transaction. If there is a dispute between buyer and seller it can be reported. This is what makes it so secure and trustworthy.

The pencil and paper will make your work hack proof and virus proof (unless you are working under a camera) and your PC or Electronic Device will not. Simple as that!

I've already been a victim of digital crime and I know that it's a horrible experience. I don't want it to happen to anyone else if it can be helped. I am here to teach people how to better protect themselves in this space.

Also, I'm not just a School Teacher but also a teacher at heart. So if there is a good lesson to be taught, I'm gonna bring it!

PS!! I almost had a heart attack while that clown was draining my Coinbase account. Just saying...

Bonus 1: My Personal Strategy

I use two hardware (90%) and two software (10%) wallets. I use the soft wallets as cash for when I want to buy something with crypto or swap it for cash on an exchange. I use the hard wallets as bank vaults where once it's in it never comes out until that special day arrives that I'm hodling for.

Once I've setup my wallets I vanish their seed phrases immediately, and next I wipe them. To accomplish this for the soft wallets I just delete their apps from my device. For the hard wallets I perform a factory reset and the chip is immediately wiped. Evidence gone!

After completing this procedure I feel confident that my side is well covered (while remembering that no strategy is ever the answer to everything) and that it's now mostly up to the wallet providers to keep their side strong. We do what we can!

This is what crypto security means to me! Whenever I need access to any wallet I just unvanish it's seed phrase and enter it into the wallet and it just opens up as normal, as it should, every time. That's it!

Note: I do not just store these electronically. USB flash drives would probably be the worst choice! No common thief will ever catch me red handed with a wallet or seed phrase. As far as he's concerned I'm not a crypto guy at all.

Yes, there is more to tell but it's not for now. The rest will be revealed to you in the training. Once again, I am not against all the traditional methods of storing seeds, I just know that it's way better to do the "vanish" before employing those. Do you smell a Secret Bonus hiding inside?

Bonus 2: Reality Movie


Policies - Agreements

Well Done For Getting Your Digital Assets Off Of The Exchanges! Now Get This Training For $199 ONLY! Reviewer's Special Deal Above ⇑

Your next step is to learn how to "vanish" and "unvanish" ANY seed phrase that is in your possession, which is exactly what this Video Course teaches. On completion you can burn it and throw the ashes away, because you will be able to recreate it whenever you want! Note: We practice with made-up seed phrases only!

New Easy Solution